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Bài gửiTiêu đề: WORD FORMATIONS    WORD FORMATIONS EmptyFri Feb 17, 2012 2:24 pm

V – EE/ EER Train/ trainee: Người rèn luyện
Refer/ referee: Trọng tài Employee/ employee: công nhân engine- engineer: kỹ sư
V - ANT Assist/ assistant: Người phụ tá
Contest/ contestant: thí sinh Attend/ attendant: người th dự
Participate/ participant: người tham gia Apply/ applicant.Người nộp đơn
– MAN Frenchman: Người Pháp
Doorman: người giữ cửa Guardsman: Bảo vệ
Businessman: thương gia Madman: người điên
V - er Teach/Teacher (giáo viên)
Sing/ singer (ca sỹ)
Farm/ farmer (nông dân) Drive/driver (tài xế)
Write/ writer (tác giả)
Play/ player (cầu thủ) Lend/ lender (người cho mượn)
Work/ worker(công nhân)
Employ/employer (người chủ)
V- or
N- or Visit/ visitor: du khách
Direct/ director: giám đốc
Act/ actor: nam diẽn viên Edit/ editor: biên tập viên
Debt /debtor: con nợ Compete/ competitor: đấu thủ
Instruct/ instructor: người hướng dẫn
V- ist Novel/ novelist: tiểu thuyết gia
Art/ artist: hoạ sỹ Tour/ tourist: du khách
Type/ typist: người đánh máy Science/ scientist: nhà khoa học
Social / socialist: Đảng viên

V – age Short/ shortage Adventage
breakage Postage
V – ure Depart/ departure
Failure Mixture
Pressure Enclose/ enclosure
V – al Arrive/ arrival
Remove/ Remove Approve/ Approve
Service/ Service
V – ance Appear/ appearance
Assist/ Assistance Perform/ Performance
Allow/ Allowance Guide/ guidance
V – ence Differ/ difference
Confidence Refer/ Reference
Prefer/ Preference Depend/ Dependence
Guide/ Guidence
V – sion Discuss/ discussion,
Impress/ impression
Confuse/ confusion Delude/ delusion
Include/ inclusion
Decide/ Decision
Divide/ Division
Provide/ Provision Emit/ emission,
Permit/ Permission
Admit / Admission
ADJ – ity Able/ ability
Electricity Solidity
N – ship Friend/ friendship
Scholarship Relationship
comradeship Championship
N – hood Child/ childhood
Boyhood Motherhood
Brotherhood Neighborhood

V – ing Teach/ teaching
Light/ lighting
Swim/ Swimming Earn/ earning
Reclaim/ Reclaiming Safeguarding
Meet/ Meeting
N/V- ery Fish/ fishery
Cook/ cookery Machine/ machinery
Bake/ bakery
ADJ/ N- dom Free/ freedom
Bore/ boredom King/ kingdom.
Wise/ wisdom
- ship , comradeship
V-ment Agree/ agreement: sự đồng ý
Encourage/ encouragement Enjoy/ enjoyment: sự thích thú
Equip/ equipment: thiết bị Manage/management:sự quản lí
Move/ movement; sự di chuyển
V- tion
(Sự ...) Participate/ participation: thgia
Destroy /destruction: phá huỷ Illustrate/ illustration: minh hoạ
Instruct/ instruction: hướng dẫn Compete/ competition: ctranh
Prevent/ prevention: ngăn cản
(Sự ...) Form/ formation: thành lập
Combine/ combination:kết hợp Determine/ determination:
quyết định Concentrate/ concentration
tập trung
V- ness
(Sự ...) Clean/ Cleanness: Sự sạch sẽ
Clear/ clearness: sự rõ ràng
Deaf/ deafness: tật điếc
Weak/ weakness: yếu điểm Dark/ darkness: bóng tối
Great/ greatness: sự to lớn
Happy/ happiness: Hạnh phúc
Willing/willingness:sự sẳn lòng Kind/ kindness: lòng tốt
Lazy/ laziness: sự lười biếng
Sad/ sadness: nỗi buồn
Ready/ readiness: sự sẳn sàng
ADJ-th True/ truth: sự thật
Long/ length; độ dài Strong/ strength: sức mạnh
Wide/ width: chiều rộng Grow/ growth: sự phát triển
Deep/ depth: độ sâu
N- y (có ...) Sun/ sunny: nắng
Rain/ rainy: mưa
Sand/ sandy: cát Cloud/ cloudy: mây
Wind/ windy : gió
Snow/ snowy: tuyết Dust/ dusty: bụi
Fog/ foggy: sương mù
Health/ healthy: khoẻ mạnh
N- ly
(có vẻ,
hàng) Day/ daily: hàng ng ày
Week / weekly: hàng tuần Month; yearly: hàng thág /năm Love/ lovely: đáng yêu
Leisure/ leisurely: thoải mái
Friend/ friendly: thân thiện Man/ Manly: có vẻ đàn ông
Brother/ brotherly: tình anh em
World/ worldly: thế gian
N-ful/ less Careful / Careless:
Helpful / helpless Harmful / harmless
Hopeful / hopeless Thoughtful / thoughtless
Colorful / colorless
N- ful
(đầy) Success/ Successful: thcông
Delight/ delightful: thú vị
Power/ powerful: hùng mạnh Peace/ peaceful: thanh bình
Beauty/ beautiful: đẹp
Pain / painful: đau đớn Wonder/ wonderful: tuyệt
Truth/ truthful: chân thật
Waste/ wasteful: hoang phí
N- less
(không) Cloudless: không mây
Childless: khônng có con Speechless: không nói được
Treeless: trụi cây cối Restless: không nghỉ ngơi
Odorless: không mùi
N – al
(thuộc) Nature/ natural: thiên nhiên
Industry/ industrial; cônghiệp Economy/economical: tiết kiệm
History/ historical: lịch sử Environment/ environmental
Music/ musical: âm nhạc

N- y (có ...) Sun/ sunny: nắng
Rain/ rainy: mưa
Sand/ sandy: cát Cloud/ cloudy: mây
Wind/ windy : gió
Snow/ snowy: tuyết Dust/ dusty: bụi
Fog/ foggy: sương mù
Health/ healthy: khoẻ mạnh
N- ly
(có vẻ,
hàng) Day/ daily: hàng ng ày
Week / weekly: hàng tuần Month; yearly: hàng thág /năm Love/ lovely: đáng yêu
Leisure/ leisurely: thoải mái
Friend/ friendly: thân thiện Man/ Manly: có vẻ đàn ông
Brother/ brotherly: tình anh em
World/ worldly: thế gian
N-ful/ less Careful / Careless:
Helpful / helpless Harmful / harmless
Hopeful / hopeless Thoughtful / thoughtless
Colorful / colorless
N- ful
(đầy) Success/ Successful: thcông
Delight/ delightful: thú vị
Power/ powerful: hùng mạnh Peace/ peaceful: thanh bình
Beauty/ beautiful: đẹp
Pain / painful: đau đớn Wonder/ wonderful: tuyệt
Truth/ truthful: chân thật
Waste/ wasteful: hoang phí
N- less
(không) Cloudless: không mây
Childless: khônng có con Speechless: không nói được
Treeless: trụi cây cối Restless: không nghỉ ngơi
Odorless: không mùi
N – al
(thuộc) Nature/ natural: thiên nhiên
Industry/ industrial; cônghiệp Economy/economical: tiết kiệm
History/ historical: lịch sử Environment/ environmental
Music/ musical: âm nhạc

N – ize Symbol/ symbolize: tượng trưg
Apology/ apologize: xin lỗi Emphasis/ emphasize: nhấn mạnh
Critic/ criticize: phê bình Drama/ dramatize: đóng kịch
ADJ-en Weak/ weaken: làm cho yếu
Dark/ darken: bôi đen Sharp/ sharpen: mài sắc, vót nhọn
Wide/ widen: mở rộng Weak/ Weaken: làm yếu đi
N – en Strength/ strengthen: tăg cường Length/ lengthen: kéo dài
EN- Rich/ enrich: làm giàu
Large/ enlarge: mở rộng Sure / ensure: bảo đảm
Close/ enclose: gởi k èm Danger/ endanger: gây nguy
Courage/ encourage: kh.khích
N – fy Beauty/ beautify: làm đẹp Satisfaction/ satisfy: thoả mãn Solid/ solidify: làm cho chắc

ADJ- ly
(1 cách) Quick/ quickly: nhanh
Beautiful/ beautifully: hay, gi ỏi Hurried/ hurriedly: vội
Excited/ excitedly: hào hứng Surprising / surprisingly
Slow/slowly: chậm
1. DIS Dislike, discomfort, displease, disappear, disconnect, dishonest.
2. UN Uncreative, unprepared, unhappy, unlucky, unreasonable, unsuccessful, unavailable, unfashionable
3. NON Nonsmoking, nonviolent, nonfiction.
4. IN Incorrect, inexpensive, inexperienced, independent, inconvincible, incomprehensive.
5. IM Impossible, improbable, impolite, imperfect, impatient, immoral, immigrate, immoderate
6. IL Illogical, illegal, illiterate, ill- prepared, ill- organized, illegal, ill-treated
7. IR Irregular, irreligious, irrelevant, irrepairable.
8. MIS Misunderstanding, misspell, mistake, misuse, misdirect, miscall, miscalculate, misrecognize
1. Advise Advice Khuyeân 1. Absent Absence Vaéng maët
2. Determine Determination Quyeát ñònh 2. Anxious Anxiety Lo laéng
3. Fertilize Fertilizer Laøm maøu môõ 3. Bore Boredom Chaùn
4. Complain Complaint Phaøn naøn 4. Dead Death cheát
5. Behave Behavior Cö xöû 5. Distant Distance Xa
6. Fly Flight Bay 6. Free Freedom Töï do
7. Believe Belief Tin 7. Important Importance Quan troïng
8. Combine Combination Keát hôïp 8. Intelligent Intelligence Thoâng minh
9. Drain Drainage Thaùo nöôùc 9. Poor Poverty Ngheøo
10. Discover Discovery Khaùm phaù 10. Proud Pride Töï haøo
11. Erode Erosion Xoùi moøn 11. Safe Safety An toaøn
12. Employ Employment Thueâ 12. True Truth Coù that
13. Know Knowledge Bieát STT NOUN ADJ MEANING OF NOUN
14. Live Life Soáng 1. Access Accessible Loái vaøo
15. Prove Proof Chöùng toû 2. Continent Continental Luïc ñòa
16. Serve Service Phuïc vuï 3. Logic Logical Lo – gic
17. Solve Solution Giaûi quyeát 4. Sleep Sleepy/ asleep Giaác nguû
18. Speak Speech noùi 5. Volcano Volcanic Nuùi löûa
19. 6.
20. 7.

2. Anger Angry Angrily Giaän
3. Anxiety Anxious Anxiously Lo laéng
4. Act/ action/ activity Act Active Actively Hoaït ñoäng
5. Amusement Amuse Amusing/ed Vui chôi
6. Attraction Attract Attractive Attracted Attractively Haáp daãn
7. Beauty Beautify Beautiful Beautifully Ñeïp
8. Business Busy Busily Baän vieäc
9. Care/ ful/ ness Care Careful/ less Careful/ lessly Caån thaän
10. celebration celebrate celebrative Toå chöùc lễ
11. Center Central Centrally Trung taâm
12. Collection Collect Collective Thu thaäp
13. Comfort Comfort Comfortable Comfortably Tieän nghi
14. Communication Communicate Communicative Thoâng tin
15. Curiosity Curious Curiously Toø moø
16. Danger Endanger Dangerous Dangerously Nguy hieåm
17. Death Die Dead Cheat
18. Deafness Deafen Deaf Ñieác
19. Depth (ñoä saâu) Deepen (laøm) Deep Deeply Saâu
20. Dependence Depend Dependent Phuï thuoäc
21. Difference Differ Different Differently Khaùc nhau
22. Difficulty Difficult Difficultly Khoù khaên
23. Disappointment Disappoint Disappointing Disappointed/ ing Disappointedly Thaát voïng
24. Economy Economicalize Economic/ al Economically Kinh teá
25. Electricity Electrical Ñieän
26. Excitement Excite exciting Excited/ ing Excitingly Haøo höùng
27. Explanation Explain Explanatory Giaûi thích
28. Fascination Fascinate Fascinating Fascinating/ed Fascinatingly Loâi cuoán
29. Friend/ - ship Friendly Baïn beø
30. Fluency Fluent Fluently Troâi chaûy
31. Harm Harm (gaây haïi) Harmful/ less Harmlully/lessly Haïi
32. Happiness Happy Happily Haïnh phuùc
33. Health Healthy Healthily Maïnh khoeû
34. History Historic/ al Historically Lòch söû
35. Information Inform Informative Thoâng tin
36. Invention Invent Inventory Phaùt minh
37. Laziness Lazy Lazily Löôøi bieáng
38. Length Lengthen Long Daøi
39. Movement Move Movable
(coù theå di chuyeån) Moving/ ed
(xuùc ñoäng) Di chuyeån
40. Nation/ ality Nationalize National Nöôùc/ qtòch
41. Nature Naturalize Natural Naturally Töï nhieân
42. Pleasure Please Pleasant Pleasantly Vui veû
43. Pollution Pollute Polluted OÂ nhieãm
44. Possession Possess Possessive Possessively Sôû höõu
45. Practice Practise Practical Practically Thöïc haønh
46. Preparation Prepare Preparatory Chuaån bò
47. Prevention Prevent Preventable Ngaên caûn
48. Product
Product/ tion Produce Productive Saûn xuaát, saûn phaåm
49. Protection Protect Protective Baûo veä
50. Reason Reason Reasonable Reasonably Lyù do
51. Science Scientific Scientifically Khoa hoïc
52. Society Socialize Social/ ist Socially Xaõ hoäi
53. Strength Strengthen Strong Strongly Maïnh
54. Success Succeed Successful Successfully Thaønh coâng
55. Variety Vary Various Variously Ña daïng
56. Value Value Valuable Giaù trò
57. Violence Violate Violent violently Baïo ñoäng
58. Warmth Warn Warm Warmly AÁm aùp
59. Width Widen Wide Widely Roäng
60. Wonder Wonder Wonderful Wonderfully Kì dieäu
Complete the sentences using the correct form of the words in brackets.
1. He is a famous……………………. (Act)
2. He ....................... for his wrongdoings. (Apology)
3. He plays soccer …………..............……….……… (Beauty)
4. This is the biggest……………..in the city. (Build)
5. Bill Gates is a famous .......................... (Busy)
6. Hoa has a fine …………..............……….……… of stamp. (Collect)
7. You must ................................. the answer you choose. (Dark)
8. She welcomes us…………..............……….……… (Deep)
9. There is no …………..............……….……… between my answer and his. (Differ)
10. We have a lot of …………..............……….……… in learning English. (Difficult)
11. Nam is very…………..............……….……… and heavy. (Economically)
12. I felt very …………..............……… when I was a member of our school team. (Excite)
13. The is an…………..............……….……… football match this afternoon. (Excite)
14. Her smile is very ............................ (Fascinate)
15. He speaks English ..................................... (Fluency)
16. We are very proud of our………..............………. (Friend)
17. He turns out to be the………..student in his class. (Good)
18. He leads his life ................... (Happy)
19. If you smoke, it is …………..............……….……… to you. (Harm)
20. He does exercise every morning, so he is very…………..............……….……… (Health)
21. Smoking is bad for your............................... (Healthily)
22. Her parents’ …………..............……….……… makes her very sad. (Ill)
23. News on TV is very ...................... (Inform)
24. He gets bad grades because of his................... (Lazily)
25. What is his ............................? (Nation)
26. Every man loves ................................ beauty. (Nature)
27. She had a lot of ............................ for Tet. (Prepare)
28. He run very..............……….……… (Quick)
29. It is cloudy and .......................... toay. (Rain)
30. We are interested in .......................... books. (Read)
31. Ha Long Bay is one of the ........................... of the world. (Wonderfully)
32. This…………has written many stories for children. (Write)
33. Water is ....................................... (Color)
34. A large number of .............................. comes to Nha Trang every year. (Visit)
1. He will .......................... die if you don’t call a doctor. ( Certain)
2. Big students aren’t .......................... intelligent students .( Necessity)
3. I don’t believe what he has just said. It is very .......................... Reason)
4. I don’t feel at .......................... when living with him in the same house. ( Easy)
5. Would you tell your .......................... . + I’m American. ( Nation)
6. These machines can harvest the corn .......................... ( Automatic)
7. The villagers need the .......................... of food and pure water. ( Provide)
8. They will .......................... this road because its .......................... is too narrow. ( Wide)
9. This country has .......................... climate.( Continent)
10. Helping the poor is a .......................... act.( Respect)
11. We should take our parents’ .......................... ( Advise)
12. Smoking isn’t.......................... in the school. ( Allow)
13. She has just won the “ Miss Saigon” title because of her .......................... and charm. ( intelligent)
14. You should do what the .......................... told if you want to pass the test. ( Instruct)
15. Please tell me the .......................... of what you have seen. ( True)
16. I must get up early by .......................... to finish my homework before school. ( Necessary)
17. English is the .......................... language in the United States of America. ( Nation)
18. I can say with .......................... that you have made much progress in learning English . ( Certain)
19. When .......................... ask him, he answers in English . ( Foreign)
20. They spend al their money and make no .......................... for their future. ( Provide)
21. He .......................... agreed to my suggestions. ( Ready)
22. The island is .......................... only by boat. ( Assess)
23. As she is so .......................... with her present job, she has decided to leave it. ( Satisfy)
24. Travelling by public transport is very .......................... because there are long delays. ( Attract)
25. Your money will be refunded if the goods are not to your complete .......................... ( Satisfy)
26. Although her visit was .......................... , we made her welcome cordially. ( Expect)
27. She’s perfectly .......................... in her demands. ( Reason)
28. He plays the piano .......................... well. ( Tolerate)
29. Prices continue to show an upward .......................... ( Tend).
30. Please state your mane, age and .......................... in the form. ( Occupy)
31. You have to admire her .......................... to learn English . ( Determine)
32. Bad planning will lead to .......................... later. ( Difficult)
33. That .......................... spoke so fast that I couldn’t understand him. ( Foreign)
34. I’m .......................... grateful to you. ( True)
35. He is .......................... with his report on ‘ How to study Mathematics quickly” ( Occupy)
36. We hope to finish the test with .......................... ( Easy)
37. The manager has just three .......................... because of their laziness. ( Employ)
38. The climate here is hot, but .......................... ( Tolerate)
39. That man has just told us a .......................... story. ( Horror)
40. A change meeting .......................... his future. ( Determination)
41. The candidate was .......................... for a moment before answering the question.
42. He failed the final test because he didn’t make any .......................... for it.( Prepare)
43. I have to do this job because I have no .......................... ( Choose)
44. The only that I could see in him was a certain .......................... for action. ( Kind)
45. I will not .......................... your behaving in this way. ( Tolerate)
46. Sore throat is the .......................... disease of teachers. ( Occupy)
47. He is a good .......................... so we take his .......................... ( Guide)
48. He’s nice, but I don’t find him at all .......................... physically. ( Attract)
49. The agency offers .......................... guidance to people starting their own business. ( Practice)
50. We were .......................... that she would be angry. ( Fear)
51. He is very .......................... to everyone, so he has got few friends. ( Friend)
52. I find the idea of travel very .......................... ( Attract)
53. Your exam results are rather .......................... I expected you to do better .( Disappoint)
54. I need a pocket .......................... ( Calculate)
55. This is the flight .......................... about whom I told you . ( Attend)
56. There are a lot of .......................... activities in our village. ( Culture)
57. It is not .......................... to work in a hot room. ( Convenience)
58. He was .......................... to a tailor at the age of 14. ( Apprentice)
59. Is he a really good .......................... ( Drive)
60. I’ve got a job with excellent .......................... prospects. ( Promote)
61. Despite her criticisms, she is .......................... fond of you. ( Basic)
62. Since the .......................... has been so poor . The class is being closed.( Attend)
63. .......................... is a very serious problem in many countries. ( Employ)
64. Scientists have .......................... that the world population will double by the end of this century. ( Calculation)
65. The wall is of very solid .......................... ( Construct)
66. Because of the love for teaching, David would .......................... his teaching career. ( Continuous)
67. We had a quiet wedding- only a few friends .......................... it. ( Attendance)
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Tổng số bài gửi : 20
Join date : 23/09/2012

Bài gửiTiêu đề: Re: WORD FORMATIONS    WORD FORMATIONS EmptySun Sep 23, 2012 9:59 pm

cảm ơn admin vì bài viết ....tks admin nhìu nhìu ...mong admin post tiếp cái phần như phrase verb nhé...em đang chuẫn bị thi hxg tháng 10, nhưng E em tệ quá
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Tổng số bài gửi : 286
Join date : 15/02/2012

Bài gửiTiêu đề: Re: WORD FORMATIONS    WORD FORMATIONS EmptyWed Sep 26, 2012 6:40 pm

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